Saturday 31 December 2011

Roses 2 RR - Colleen's Block

Finally finished my work on Colleen's Roses II block. It was hard to get motivated as Christmas was such a busy time, but wanted to get it finished.

The work I added was the green rose motif with the pink beading in the top left top corner.

 I also added the heart beading in the top right corner and the seam below it.

Also the seam decending to the large lace bow at the bottom right.
I have finally managed to add more photo's to this blog post, i am having all sorts of trouble with it these last couple of days.


1 comment:

Arlene White said...

For some reason I am having trouble with blogger. I added the top right seam and beaded flowers. The beaded green rose motif on the left top, and the Lace bow motif on the bottom right.
