Wednesday 24 August 2011

Basically Beaded DYOB - Carols blocks

I couldn't help myself for another round robin, this one is Basically Beaded DYOB, I did the Basically Beaded RR earlier this year, but this time is having to do a whole 6 inch block.  I had a hard time choosing which colour I wanted to work on, so I choose my favourite colour and went with that.  So I choose Yellow.

 Here are the 6 blocks, as you can see the colours are wonderful and rich, so hard to choose.  In this photo my work is finished.

Here are the closeups of my work. First the full block

And the close up elements:

Button trail, love doing these, and Kathy Shaw sent me some beaded roses that I just had to share and add.

next are the laces, both enhanced by adding seed beads.

And lastly the beaded seams.

These are now winging their way onto Merle to continue working.

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