Friday, 25 June 2010

Southern Cross Crazies - Florence's needlecase

This is another round robin that is now finished. I just loved the colours of this block, in fact I really love all of it, would love to have this for my own.  Well here's all the eye candy for you, first the whole block....

And now the eye candy closeups.... first the button trail, I have wanted to use this big button for sometime, but never had the right place for it, until now.......

and it would be complete without a spider and her web

And to top it off I chose to add a ribbon rose for Florence...

Florence it will be home to you in the coming week.



Ruby said...

I can see why you like this. Lovely colors and you've done a great job!

Rose Anne B said...

WOW this is so lovely and rich in colour! Beautiful!